Parenting by Connection
Strengthening the Parent-Child Relationship
Parenting by Connection, the approach that Hand in Hand Parenting has been sharing with families for over 40 years, “helps families build a stronger parent-child connection. This strong emotional bond is the hallmark of happy, well-adjusted families. It’s also the soundest way to a better society.”*
Before participating in the Hand In Hand Instructor Certification program, my first encounter with Parenting by Connection was when I decided to wean my daughter. I was both ready and terrified. Learning about the five connection-based parenting tools, and how they would help me to actually strengthen, and not damage my bond with her through the process of weaning, was incredibly empowering and liberating.
As an avid student of all things human, and with a degree in Human Development, becoming a mom led me to a thorough revisiting of old concepts from my college studies. I also took a deep dive into new authors from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, trauma, child development, and some mystical teachings as well.
And the more I learned about how we humans work, and what we need in order to experience meaningful relationships and a sense of connection and belonging in our lives; the more I appreciated the power of these five simple Parenting by Connection tools.
This is why, by the time I started the Hand in Hand Instructor certification program, I was not only convinced by the approach because of all of the things I had read that pointed to its effectiveness; but I was experiencing first-hand the power of these tools as a parent of a wonderful, sensitive child. I also saw the relief and transformation that they brought to the parents that I was coaching at the time.
These tools can allow any parent to weave a strong fabric of connection to sustain your child through the many ups and downs that life will bring; and they invite you to bring yourself the care that you need in order to mend the many places that your relational fabric has been torn by the early hurts in your life.
Every year, parents like you grow closer to their children and themselves when they join others in taking the Healing Parents Course where they learn Parenting by Connection tools, as well as other healing concepts and practices to sustain their good parenting in the long term.
If you are feeling ready for greater connection with your child, hop on Healing Parents Course waitlist:
Waitlisters get priority registration, discounts and bonuses!
*Reference: handinhandparenting.org