Healing Parents Coaching Club
You’re one step away from more confident, sustained and connected parenting.
The Coaching Club is where you practice what healing parents like you have found to be most helpful in maintaining a connected relationship with their children:
Live Coaching to immediately address YOUR top concerns,
Simple, effective, proven tools that often result in immediate shifts at home,
Shared community with other parents on a similar path, and
Discounted rates on other courses and coaching services, for when you need a little extra learning, support, or individual care.
“I feel a much greater sense of well-being since working with Gabriela. Before…I felt plagued by uncertainty about most parenting decisions. I felt very blocked from my intuition. Through continued coaching and the membership community, I’ve gotten the connection and care I need so that I can extend the same to my children and to all my relationships.”
— Jessica, Mother of 2
Check out more Healing Parents testimonials HERE
The Monthly Coaching Club meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month at 9 am Pacific, 12 pm Eastern, via Zoom.
As a member of the Healing Parents Coaching Club, you get:
Live coaching with Gabriela to address your most pressing concerns and challenges,
Timeless, data-driven tools to help cultivate deeper, lasting relationship with your child,
Support and practices for the hard work of cycle-breaking and healing,
A warm, confidential, supportive and non-judgmental space. Think less “accountability buddies” and more “good humans doing good work, rooting for each other”.
A discounted rate on individual sessions: ($75.00 vs $120)
You can easily cancel your enrollment at any time.